Sungear HTTP interface

Sungear can both receive information from and send information to web-based applications. This information is in the form of name-value pairs (NVPs) that are passed to and from Sungear.

Input NVPs are taken from the query string used to open the Sungear applet. Any attribute used by Sungear can be passed as a query string NVP. The most relevant ones for users are:

Output NVPs in the form post consist of a list of groups, a list of genes, and any extra NVPs supplied by the user with the prefix of export_ (see above). For groups and gene data, the separator character is the pipe (|) character. The exact format of the group list and gene lists is as follows:

Sungear also expects a response to the form POST. The response can be an empty page, but there must be data available for Sungear to read. The response can also optionally contain the following NVPs:

An example form reply would look like this: url=/sungear/done.html&target=status This would cause Sungear to display the local URL /sungear/done.html in the window or frame named status.